The Carbon Fit program rewards an active lifestyle with climate change initiatives, linking healthy people to a healthy planet.
Studies show that 93% of Australians aren’t walking their recommended daily distance of 10,000 steps
More exercise would have a big impact on the leading causes of death in Australia
Getting moving is one of the easiest ways to increase our general health and wellbeing and reduce risk of chronic disease.

29% of emissions in the US are caused by transportation
Transportation is one of the leading causes of greenhouse gas emissions in the US. It’s the little things we each do everyday that can make a big difference. What if we chose to get around by walking or cycling instead of taking the car?
Your planet needs you!

What can we do?
Planting trees is one of the best way to offset carbon emissions
WFH, Walking, cycling and public transport instead of driving are a great way to reduce emissions
The app can also promote good habits around climate like recycling.

There are many ways to contribute - as a gift, by your employer or through your exercise.

The trees you earn are paid for by a sponsor - either your employeer, someone else (such as a gift) or even yourself!