Creating a better connection
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Memory Machine

Supporting people living with memory loss and their families

What we did
Mobile development
Web development
Hardware integration
Focus area
Mental Health
App Store rankings
Link to platform

What are we without our memories?

Memory loss comes in many forms, all of which cause immence damage to those living with the condition and their families.

As the second largest cause of death in western nations behind heart disease, Memory Machine helps families better manage these conditions.

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Matt harries- discussion image
Matt showing his father how to use a tablet, 2010
“I felt helpless when my Father was diagnosed with dementia, I knew there was more that could be done and now I am set on helping others live better lives with memory loss”
Matt harries profile
Matt Harris
Founder, Memory Machine

The Challenge

Creating a system for those living with memory loss requires a deep empathy and focus on design for accessibility.

We were challenged with building a system that encouraged care teams to work together towards the common goal, provide support all whilst maintaining independence and dignity of the person living with memory loss.

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calendar events
todays schedule image
task detail
task detail
task detail
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A connected care ecosystem

Memory Machine is an omni-channel digital platform that integrates with a variety of hardware devices to help families contribute to the care of their loved one.

The end user can maintain access across tablet and phone apps, to access their calendar, message and call their team.

A closed network for your most trusted people

Members of family and medical practitioners all have the ability to join the network, allowing close collaboration and support.

Users can add tasks, make contact and see what everyone else is contributing. Memory Machine brings people together, creating the best care outcomes.

mm dashboard

Project Outcomes

Members of family and medical practitioners all have the ability to join the network, allowing close collaboration and support.

Users can add tasks, make contact and see what everyone else is contributing. Memory Machine brings people together, creating the best care outcomes.

“Launchpad was outstanding, taking my concept and delivering it with such empathy and focus on our end users”
Matt harries profile
Matt Harris
Founder, Memory Machine
man image

Supporting Evidence

After conducting a usability test with elderly individuals and their partners / carers through remote testing, we received an overall positive outlook on the product and the proposed features.

The usability session tested various real life scenario from making a call to completing an event and resulted in a high success rate of completion.

“I think for someone on the earlier stages of dementia this could be a very useful tool. Unlike some of the other existing tools, this gives them more options and capabilities.”
Participant 1
“For people who are prepared to use these things, they will definitely be helpful. Especially for the carers, I think it will them a peace of mind.”
Participant 2

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